Free online sudoku and other puzzles

Free online sudoku and other puzzles
Nonconsecutive Sudoku
Nonconsecutive Sudoku is a logic puzzle. In this Sudoku variant, all orthogonally adjacent numbers cannot be consecutive.
Nonconsecutive Sudoku #16

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #15

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #14

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #13

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #12

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #11

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #10

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #9

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #8

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #7

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #6

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #5

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #4

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #3

Nonconsecutive Sudoku #2