Free online sudoku and other puzzles

Free online sudoku and other puzzles
Snowflake Sudoku
Snowflake Sudoku is a variant of the traditional Sudoku X, where each marked diagonal is required to contain unique numbers without repetition.
Snowflake Sudoku #38

Snowflake Sudoku #37

Snowflake Sudoku #36

Snowflake Sudoku #35

Snowflake Sudoku #34

Snowflake Sudoku #33

Snowflake Sudoku #32

Snowflake Sudoku #31

Snowflake Sudoku #30

Snowflake Sudoku #29

Snowflake Sudoku #28

Snowflake Sudoku #27

Snowflake Sudoku #26

Snowflake Sudoku #20

Snowflake Sudoku #19

Snowflake Sudoku #18