Free online sudoku and other puzzles

Free online sudoku and other puzzles
Anti-Knight Sudoku
It is a Sudoku variant with additional problems based on the moves of chess pieces. In this case, it is the move of the chess knight.
Anti-Knight Sudoku #80

Anti-Knight Sudoku #79

Anti-Knight Sudoku #78

Anti-Knight Sudoku #77

Anti-Knight Sudoku #76

Anti-Knight Sudoku #60

Anti-Knight Sudoku #59

Anti-Knight Sudoku #58

Anti-Knight Sudoku #57

Anti-Knight Sudoku #56

Anti-Knight Sudoku #40

Anti-Knight Sudoku #39

Anti-Knight Sudoku #38

Anti-Knight Sudoku #37

Anti-Knight Sudoku #36

Anti-Knight Sudoku #20