Free online sudoku and other puzzles

Free online sudoku and other puzzles
Snowflake Sudoku
Snowflake Sudoku is a variant of the traditional Sudoku X, where each marked diagonal is required to contain unique numbers without repetition.
Snowflake Sudoku #75

Snowflake Sudoku #74

Snowflake Sudoku #73

Snowflake Sudoku #72

Snowflake Sudoku #71

Snowflake Sudoku #70

Snowflake Sudoku #69

Snowflake Sudoku #68

Snowflake Sudoku #67

Snowflake Sudoku #66

Snowflake Sudoku #65

Snowflake Sudoku #64

Snowflake Sudoku #63

Snowflake Sudoku #62

Snowflake Sudoku #61

Snowflake Sudoku #55